Black Dragon, Lily-turf, Snake's beard (Ophiopogon) Houseplants

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dark green Black Dragon, Lily-turf, Snake's beard (Ophiopogon) Houseplants photo
leaf color: dark green
green Black Dragon, Lily-turf, Snake's beard (Ophiopogon) Houseplants photo
leaf color: green
motley Black Dragon, Lily-turf, Snake's beard (Ophiopogon) Houseplants photo
leaf color: motley
silvery Black Dragon, Lily-turf, Snake's beard (Ophiopogon) Houseplants photo
leaf color: silvery

Black Dragon, Lily-turf, Snake's beard (Ophiopogon) planting and characteristics

type of stemspreading
leaf formlinear
location of plantbright room, north window
poisonous or toxicnot poisonous plant
lightingshade, partial shade
leaf colormotley, silvery, dark green, green
type of houseplantherbaceous plant
plant height (cm)lower 30 cm

Ophiopogon, Black Dragon, Lily-turf, Snake's beard growing and care

air humiditymoist
period of restno
growing complexityundemanding
frequency of wateringabundant

Black Dragon, Lily-turf, Snake's beard (Ophiopogon) Houseplants photo, planting and characteristics, growing and care.

catalog: Pot Flowers (Indoor flowers) and Houseplants, Cactuses and Succulents.
planting and characteristics, growing and care, photo. 2015 ©
Houseplants and Pot Flowers (Indoor plants)
Cactuses and Succulents, photo and description
Houseplants and Pot Flowers, Cactuses and Succulents